Thursday, November 19, 2009

2009 Report Card

Time flies, Kaitlyn will be going to K1 next year.

She bring home her report card today, by comparing to last semester, she did improved. All A and no more B for interpersonal and social skill, which means that she's more willing to share now, social & emotional development also improved, I'm impressed of that. Hope she will keep up the good job.

This is her height and weight measure from school:
1st semester 2nd semester
Height 92 cm 95 cm
Weight 12 kg 13 kg
(The progess was so slow!!!)

Post in class: Monitor
(There is one day when I meet Teacher Sheena, she comments that Kaitlyn look very cute to be monitor, the smallest size in class but yet very helpful, always help teacher keep the books and distribute pencils)

Honours: Academic Top Achiever, Best Pupil Award and Story telling competition special awards.
(She won Best Pupil awards this year again, which I'm doubt why teacher can give her this honour, because she's not behave at home :P)

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