Sunday, November 29, 2009

Be Grateful

Kaitlyn told me that she missed her teacher Gan so much when her school shut down 2 days for renovation and told me that teacher Gan no longer teach them, she'd assign to teach K2 by next year. Tomorrow is the children day, there is a party and "fun fair" in her school, it also mark the end of class N2. I think teacher also take the opportunity to introduces new friends and teacher to them as by 1 Dec all the children will go to new class. She told me she wonder who will her K1 teacher be. Since this little girl keep telling me she missed teacher Gan, so I asked her if she want to make a thank you card for her teacher, of course this girl want and she's so excited about it. deng,... deng.. here it is, a simple card but very meaningful. Hope her teacher like it and Kaitlyn know how to be grateful always.

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