Sunday, November 22, 2009

Prize presentation

There is no year end concert in Kaitllyn school, but there is a graduation day for all the K2 children, school also take this opportunity to present some prizes to the children.
Our neighbour's son, Jasper is going to standard one next year and he also studied in the same school with Kaitlyn, when we reach there, we saw him wearing a graduate gown and snap photos with her sister. I'm thinking another 2 years Kaitlyn will wearing the gown as well and graduate from the kindergarden, what in my mind is will she be able to wear all those gown which look big on her, haha.. I always think too much.
Kaitlyn is very happy and sit with her classmate. I also manage to took some picture for her with her friends and teachers.. likes her form teacher in N1, Teacher Embi and also this year form teacher, Teacher Gan.

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