Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mama become maid

We don't have maid since last friday, so I've to take up her job. No cooking, we eat out as no time to do the washing. Due to I'm working today, so my in law offer to take care of Mei Mei last night, I feel so bad as she's having high blood pressure and still need to wake up in the midnight to feed Mei Mei. As for Jie Jie, we have to send her to full day from tomorrow onwards, Ah Mah is not able to handle 2 kids by herself. I've called teacher Sheena and told her that we need to let Kaitlyn go for a month full day and Kaitlyn also agree on that. I cross my finger that we can get a good maid very soon, so everything will resume back to normal.


ablogaway said...

Hang on there. Hope things will be better soon.

Cute Mum said...

U r my motivation, without maid, u still can handle well.