Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Graduates educational tour 4 Nov

Kaitlyn's kindy organized a trip for all k2 children to go to lost world of tambun. It is their graduation tour, kaitlyn keen to join even without my companion. But I really can't let her out for so long journey by herself, so I take a day off to go with her, luckily parents are allowed to follow.
We reach school on 8:15am but the bus only come to pick us up on 9:00am. They have give a note pad and teacher ask them to jot down what they see and experience during this trip in this note pad so that they won't forget.

Is a long journey but teachers think of some games to play to keep us entertained. By the time we reach Ipoh is already 11:00am. Our first activitiy is visiting the petting zoo, each child was given a packet of animal food. Some get the food for bird, some for goat and Kaitlyn get is for bunny...she was so happy b'cos bunny is her favourite animal.

By the time, it was already late 12 noon, all the kids was tired and hungry, luckily our lunch is ready at the HUT. The food for children is a bit spicy, so Kaitlyn have to share my portion, adult's food is more delicious :)

After filled up our tummy, we procced to Tin Valley. There is a guide who explain the history and the operation of Tin Valley to the children. Some of the children really pay attention while he explain, when he ask question they really can answer fast, a very good interaction and the children are given opportunity to experience of dulang washing. But unfortunately, the sky is getting dark and start raining. So they only spend awhile over there.

When the rain start drop, all the child also start worry if they still can go to water park. I think GOD really took pity of them, so the rain really go away after few mins. The kids really having great time playing at the water park. On the way back, teacher Sheena ask what they enjoyed most over there.. their answer is playing water is FUN!!

Is really a good experience, although is tired but I'm happy to see my girl enjoyed her trip. I hope this will be memorable moment as part of her kindy life.

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