Monday, June 27, 2011

Family Carnival Day

Last Sunday was Family Carnival day at the girls kindy. Papa was not around because went to Kuching. So Ah Mah went with us. The girls so enjoyed because have many games to play with.

These are the aluminium cans that they bought to school and reused it for art creation, I can't imagine that they can do for so many things...

Kait Yee met her friend Erina while playing sand art.

Kaitlyn concentrate painting.

Both girls use coupon to pay the crown for making them balloons.

Mei Mei catched fishes with Ah Mah.

Teacher Gan helps Kaitlyn put the fishes into the plastic bag. What a poor fishes, all dead the next day.

Pretty mommy and both pretty and cute daughters, hahaha...

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