Friday, December 30, 2011

Orientation for standard 1


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Kait Yee: 妈妈,你会die 吗?
Kait Yee: 你会die 吗?
Kait Yee:几时die?
Kait Yee:不要,不要。
刚好经过一家峙庙,她就赶紧的双手合十,嘴里念着,保佑妈妈健康,爸爸健康, 姐姐健康, 阿公,阿麻健康。。。

Nick name

Talking about nickname, I used to have one, given by my secondary school mates, they called me Miki, reason is my character like Mickey mouse...haha... that's long ago story but till now some still called me Miki. Still acceptable to be called Miki at my age? A bit funny... LOL.....Recently my 2 girls also have a funny nickname given by Ah Mah, Kaitlyn is 等一下 and Kait Yee is 不用紧, that's b'cos they used this phrase so frequently in a day. No matter what instructions given to Kaitlyn, the very first response is wait/等一下, while for mei mei, her attitude a bit tak apa, everything also 不用紧! I don't like this nickname for my girl, so I hope they can changed their attitude and be a lovely girl.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

DIY Crown

These are few crown make by Kaitlyn with kakak help during her free time at Ah Mah house.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Graduation and prize recognition ceremony

Yesterday was the girl's kindy graduation and awards ceremony and the event was held at USM.
Yesterday suppose is a meaningful event for Kaitlyn, as she has been prepare for sometimes for it, but my girl turn to be very upset, there are 3 things that turn her down.
1. All her friends make up but not her.
2. Most of her friends received bouquet of flowers from their parents which she don't have.
3. Worry that after she cry will make her ugly when take photo, so she cry again.
There are 2 songs Kaitlyn and her school mates present – one in Mandarin 爸妈谢谢你and the other in English - You raise me up, in appreciation of their parents. Kaitlyn has been selected to be Emcee.. she's doing all well until teacher anounce whoever have flowers can bring along with them when they go up the stage to received the cert. I think this is the reason turn her down.

She really drive us crazy!!!
She request for another snap with her class teacher to collect best academic trophy, but all is over,... and we told her that whatever happen is happen, the world won't stop for us and there is no pause or reverse in our life.
Hope she can understand that and be more behave when she go to primary.
On the other side, Mei Mei happily posting for papa to take pic of her, no afraid at all when papa left her alone in the hall. Compare to her Jie Jie, she's stronger.

Getting her certificate from Teacher Sheena, her principal.

After the ceremory, We went to Queensbay for lunch, Kaitlyn used her saving RM10 to treat us soya beans ice- cream, as RM10 only able to buy 4 cone, so at first she said one for papa, one for me, one for Mei mei and another one for kakak, she just share with Mei Mei will do. But after bought the ice-cream she changed her mind, so papa give his share to her. she just can't resists the tempting.

Graduation photos taken in school

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Graduates educational tour 4 Nov

Kaitlyn's kindy organized a trip for all k2 children to go to lost world of tambun. It is their graduation tour, kaitlyn keen to join even without my companion. But I really can't let her out for so long journey by herself, so I take a day off to go with her, luckily parents are allowed to follow.
We reach school on 8:15am but the bus only come to pick us up on 9:00am. They have give a note pad and teacher ask them to jot down what they see and experience during this trip in this note pad so that they won't forget.

Is a long journey but teachers think of some games to play to keep us entertained. By the time we reach Ipoh is already 11:00am. Our first activitiy is visiting the petting zoo, each child was given a packet of animal food. Some get the food for bird, some for goat and Kaitlyn get is for bunny...she was so happy b'cos bunny is her favourite animal.

By the time, it was already late 12 noon, all the kids was tired and hungry, luckily our lunch is ready at the HUT. The food for children is a bit spicy, so Kaitlyn have to share my portion, adult's food is more delicious :)

After filled up our tummy, we procced to Tin Valley. There is a guide who explain the history and the operation of Tin Valley to the children. Some of the children really pay attention while he explain, when he ask question they really can answer fast, a very good interaction and the children are given opportunity to experience of dulang washing. But unfortunately, the sky is getting dark and start raining. So they only spend awhile over there.

When the rain start drop, all the child also start worry if they still can go to water park. I think GOD really took pity of them, so the rain really go away after few mins. The kids really having great time playing at the water park. On the way back, teacher Sheena ask what they enjoyed most over there.. their answer is playing water is FUN!!

Is really a good experience, although is tired but I'm happy to see my girl enjoyed her trip. I hope this will be memorable moment as part of her kindy life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DIY hairpin

When I was small, I liked to twist pipe cleaner on the black hair pin to make it colourful as my hair assesory. Just now, while we are doing art, I suddenly think of my small times, so I ask the girl to bring me 2 black hair pin and choose the colour they want their hair pin to be. After a few twist and here come the pink and green one...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

British Council

British Council at Weld Quay, Kaitlyn attended 3 terms in this old building.

Now it have moved to Wisma Great Eastern. They have the opening ceremony on 8 Oct and our chief minister, Lim Guan Eng was invited to give speech.

The girl shake hand with Lim Guan Eng is Teacher Catriona, Kaitlyn's class (Jumping in) teacher.

Our CM, sit beside Kaitlyn to look at her read the story book...see so closed to him.

Monday, October 10, 2011

长大后, 该做什么!

Kaitlyn 问我她长大后,不懂该做什么职业好。。。不知是不是该做Agilent或是老师。。。或是护士,或是医生??? 真好笑,我的两个女儿都以为做Agilent真好!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Teacher K. Geeta

Last friday 7 Oct is teacher Geeta last day with Little Kingdom, the day before, Mei Mei told me that she cried because teacher Geeta will be leaving soon, so touching when I heard that. This teacher love Mei Mei so much, whenever I meet her, she sure compliment on Mei Mei, said she's very helpful and behave. On her last day, when I fetched them home, she even come to me and ask for my number, she said she want to call Kait Yee when she missed her.
Here's another birthday celebration in school for all october born children and teachers.

Actually the day before, her eyes was sweling due to allergy to brufen, yet she insists to go to school due to she want to join the party. From this picture, still can see the swelling but compared to the night before, it is already 70% recovered.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Small party

We just celebrated kaitlyn's birthday, she turned 6 yesterday!  I can't believe next year she'll going to primary!
I really enjoy celebrating my girl's birthday. kaitlyn is very lucky because her birthday fall on china golden week which mama no need to go to work and have time to bring cake and pack small party treats for her to share with her friends.
Starting her special day with her classmates, teacher Ooi and her mei mei by singing the birthday song, giving away party packs and distribute cakes to all her friend and teachers.

And ending her day with another birthday cake in ah mah house:)

Monday, October 3, 2011



Saturday, October 1, 2011



Monday, September 26, 2011

What we did for the last weekend...
On Saturday, I enrolled Kaitlyn to badminton course, the sport centre is at 洪氏宗祠 which just near to our house. I want her to spent her spare times by doing some excercise and get sweat!

And Sunday 4 of us smurfed to GSC at Sunway Carnival for the show, this is Mei Mei first movie, but unfortunately she fell asleep after her pop corn finished :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Monday, September 5, 2011


听说有五种蔬果(甜菜根,芹菜,红萝卜,黄瓜 和青苹果)吃了能帮助排毒。所以就开始搅蔬果汁给一家大小喝。一开始的时候他们是有一点抗拒它的味道,但现在好多了,该是喝惯了吧!每个周末,人人一杯,清清体内的垃圾。

Meh Meh Sheep

Are they cute? Very simple craft. We give it away to Papa as his birthday present.
Mei Mei helping me paste cotton ball onto the paper ball.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Monday, August 29, 2011

Missing papa

Kaitlyn draw this for her papa because of missing him. Hubby was away to China for few days.

Mei Mei tell story

Last Friday is Mei Mei turn to tell story. She's very happy that day becuase I was there to support her. I'm impress that she's able to tell the whole story, I think the hardwork is all go to the teacher who train them.
Make up from mama is too light, so teacher touch up for her again, with 2 rosy cheeck and a rosy nose.

Took photos with her class contestant, 3 from her class and they all tell the same story :) Pei Xuan that she mention to me actually is my secondary school mate's daughter, the girl in red and black dress.

Here are the first batch contestant, total 16 from Nursery 1. And Kait Yee is in 2nd batch.

Again, after the session, they are asked to snap photo with all the contestant and teacher on the stage.

Well done to all the kids. You are so great!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy week

Last week I recieved a call from kaitlyn & Kait Yee's teacher telling me that they have been selected from their class to go for inter class story telling competition and I have to prepare custom for them. Actually both of them told me about it, but I not so sure if Mei Mei really been selected, until teacher told me so I only confirm she does. There was a notice from school too but the girls just keep it in their school bag, this mommy also too lousy and not realised it. Kaitlyn's session is on this morning while Kait Yee is on Friday. I've to take leave these 2 days to go and support them :)

Kaitlyn tells 聪明的小鸭 and Mei Mei tells "Be more hardworking" and the character for the story is ant and worm. So I make Kaitlyn a duckling custom and Mei Mei a worm custom (she likes green).

I seek for Jade help to get me custom from her friend, but too bad one is too small and the other one is too big and sexy. So I have to go for my other option, make it by myself since I already bought the fabric from are they. Green one looks like frog instead as most of the people said so :(
Kaitlyn woke up very early this morning and excitely waiting for me to make up for her. The little one also ask for some touch up too!

I sent her to her class and saw teacher Ooi was busy dressing up the contestant, most of them borrow the custom except Kaitlyn's one is mommy made.

After the story telling session, all the contestant went up to the stage and took photos with their teacher.

Although Kaitlyn don't get any prize, but yet she did a superb job.