Wednesday, September 1, 2010

colour blind???

Until now Mei Mei still not really know about colours, she only know pink and orange and for others colour if you ask her, she'll simply said one until she got it correct. Sometimes tembak betul also. We got a children CD that teach colour, Jie Jie insists to find the CD for her to watch instead of let her watching others, all of us start worry about her and we will find every opportunity to teach her, hope she can pick it up very soon. Papa said want to find a toy that can teach her colour but I don't think we need it as we can get it around us... the most easy one is from the cloths that we wear everyday.... I got a song, is about colour, so I sing for her every night depend on what colour her pyjamas is.

Blue Blue Blue, is everything I'm wearing.
Blue Blue Blue, my only cloth shall be,
Why do I always, wear myself in blue,
because the navy is the one I love..

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