Saturday, April 17, 2010

My little cutie 22 mths updates

She's 9.6kg and her height is 79cm. This is her last 2 weeks measurement.

Another 6 weeks, she will turn 2 years old. She know's a lot of things now.

She can speak in a short sentense which only mama and kakak can understand because her pronounciation still not so clear, sometimes even papa also don't understand what she try to say.

When she want to Poo Poo and Wee Wee,sometimes will tell kakak and kakak will bring her to potty.

Can sing a few songs, likes: twinkle twinkle little star, I love u, 客人来,巧虎的我是巧虎,饼干cookies...

Likes to watch Tom & Jerry with Jie Jie, when saw the funny action, she'll laugh and say funny which shound like "money".

Showing interest on puzzles, Jie Jie have a simple fruits puzzles which range from 3to 6 pieces and she can fixed the 3 & 4 one by herself now.

Talk while she's sleeping, there are some nights, she laugh and said something like lollipop, grapes until waking me up while she's still having her sweet dream.

If she helps you to do something, she'll praise herself by saying "Mei Mei gau loh".

If things is ruin, she'll said "ask papa buy".

When someone bully her, she'll said "tell papa", this girl really good in complaining.

Can play magic, she hold something either on her right or left hand and ask you to guess where, there is one time, she hide the thing at her back, by pressing it on the sofa. Jie Jie also don't have the clue where she hide.

Likes story of 3 Bears and The Goldilock.. likes to watch Barney and not so interest on Qiao Hu now. Ah Kong subscribe the Astro Xiao Tai Yang for both girls, so she'll watch it at Ah Kong house.

If one of the family member is not at home or not with her, she's look for them. Likes to ask "mama leh? papa leh?....

Very good in waking papa and Jie Jie up in the morning. If they haven't wake up, she'll cried, papa wake up, Jie Jie wake up, no lazy...

No longer can empty her milk bottle, always have 1-2 oz leftover. If let her drink by cup, she'll ask for straw, want to drink like her Jie Jie.

A little heroin today, while we had our groceries shopping at Giant, a little boy standing up from the trolley seat which his mommy left him by himself and concentrate in choosing the cloths for him, luckily Mei Mei yelled out baby stand up, baby stand up, so we only realised that the boy is almost fall down. I'm so please on Mei Mei alert at this danger situation :)

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