Sunday, March 29, 2009

10 months old

Another 4 more days, Kait Yee will turn 10 months old. Yesterday, she have her 2nd pheumococal, cried very loud when Dr Cheah check on her, not even have the jab. But so fortunate that this time she don't have high fever as before.

Height: 66cm

What she can do now:
1. Likes to crawls, she always crawling around with her Jie Jie (who likes to pretend like a baby)
2. Sleep by her own, don't like me carry now.
3. Poo Poo become very hard, not as soft as last time. May be is due to taking solid food.
4. Love to plays whatever Jie Jie is playing, but most of the time was get bully, Jie Jie refuse to share her toys with her.
5. Walks by holding on something.
6. Make more sounds, like gagaga...baba..
7. Clap hands.
8. Pass her bear bear or chut chut to me when I ask her to do so.
9. Climb up the stair case.

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