Monday, November 3, 2008

My entertainer

Yesterday night, while the 2 sister lying on the bed, I put Mei Mei on Jie Jie tummy and let Jie Jie become pillow, Mei Mei climb up to Jie Jie chest and I heard Jie Jie said to Mei Mei that "Ah Mei, Jie Jie don't have nen nen, you know" Everyone in the room laugh as this Jie Jie very funny and talk likes an aunty.
Sometimes Kaitlyn also likes to modify people name, last friday, papa told Kaitlyn that he have a colleauge come from USA, and want us to meet him on saturday, papa told us that his name is Geratt, the first response from Kaitlyn is haa.. uncle Carrot.. you said la.. how cheeky she is. She also modify her PD name from Dr Jessica to Dr Bicyle...

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