Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kait Yee 4 months old

Mei Mei is 4 mths old today, I'll do the "开腥" for her, many of my friends did it for their child too. I didn't do it for Kaitlyn b'cos I just knew about this believe.
What I need are "龙舌鱼, 鸡腿, Pong 饼 and the marie 饼". Each of it have its own meaning:
龙舌鱼 - to make her speak well and able to debate like a lawyer.. the fishmonger told Ah Mah, if cook 3, then will become more clever (business tactic)
鸡腿 - ???
Marie biscut - To prevent saliva from dripping
Pong Pia - for 拜拜 meaning to let her "胖胖"

Hubby said that I'm like living in the old century, but I think he's not right, we should believe it, no harm to try. Haha... very "aunty" me.
During Mei Mei full moon celebration, we also let her bath with flowers (5 difference colours), leaf and the stone. Teach by the confinement lady, each of them also got its own meaning.
Flowers - 好人缘
Leaf - wash away the bad luck
Stone - " 压胆"

At 4 mths old, Mei Mei:

  • Likes to sleep on her stomach.
  • Able to roll from her back on to her stomach.
  • Sucking fingers, not thumb but pointer, tall man and ring man 3 together. Changed from left to right, sometimes sucking chut chut.
  • Laugh until kakaka.. when papa tease her.
  • Always want Ah Mah to carry.
  • Sleep through the night.
  • Interested to what we are doing, sound .. etc

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