Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sister love

Nothing is more happy than seeing them love each other.



Friday, November 13, 2015

Proud of you both

This trophy  is a recognition to the effort you have put in during exam.Hope you can keep up the good job. Like what papa always remind you all study not only for good result, but to equip yourself to be more knowledgeable person. I hope other than study you two also enjoy your school times ..making more friends and all this will become a sweet memories when you grow.

And for Mei Mei I want to praise her for her significant improvement this term, she did it and we really hope she can continued to improved, every efforts count. Proud of you both :)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kaitlyn 和一班四年级的同学参加文娱晚会表演舞蹈,跳得不错哦!虽然只排练了三个星期。这只舞蹈好象已经成为了当下火辣辣的,只要是学生都很喜欢。