Thursday, December 6, 2012

You did it

Although the last chemo come 2 days later as per scheduled, but we are proud that you have make it through.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

当我们还是4岁或7岁时,我想我们都不知道什么是chemo吧!但我的两个女儿却要去适应和懂得这可怕的名词。因为她们的爸爸要经历这痛苦,我不懂她们知道多少,至少她们知道爸爸化疗的前一晚,她们得到ah mah 家过夜,爸爸做完化疗之后会很疲倦,没有胃口,身体肌肉疼痛,还会一直拉肚子,还有一直放臭屁。这段时期,爸爸很少带她们外出,也被避喝一杯杯莫名其妙的蔬果汁。她们不喜欢爸爸去做chemo,一直等待爸爸几时能做完最后一次的化疗,好让她们可以像其他小孩们和爸爸一起玩乐。明天终于是最后一次了,希望爸爸能顺利的做完它,接下来的检查也都是顺利的因为她们希望爸爸健康的陪着她们成长。

Monday, November 26, 2012

Drop 1st baby tooth

Is been so long that I didn't blog about the girls and what make me to blog back is because kaitlyn just dropped her first milk tooth which I think is memorable to jot it down. We had been worry sometimes because most of her schoolmates already lost their baby teeth and she not even shown any sign until last wednesday 21th, she complained to us that her bottom front tooth become wobbly. Then we only saw that her permanent one was already erupted. Popo is the one who help her to take out her wobbly baby tooth, just a little pain and blood. I am kind of excited as I want her to follow my tradition by throwing her teeth onto the roof but she told me that she want to kept it but unfortunately it was lost when she washed it over the basin, it had been rinsed away. She was sad but papa told her she still have 19 left :) No more tooth to be kept but only these 2 photo taken before and after the tooth shed. Kaitlyn's first baby tooth shaded on 25 November 2012.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This little note has cheer me up during my difficult and scary moment.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hair dresser game

They are playing the real hairdresser game, Kait Yee sit quietly for her Jie Jie to style her hair...but mei mei can't accept the look, she said like a xiao cha Bo!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Past few weeks, I still need to supervise Kaitlyn how to pack her bag, but now, she can do it on her own.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Great grandma

How lovely is this photo! Great grandma with 2 great grand daughters. A big gap for age but so close to the heart. I always see my grandma big smile when she meet them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First day to school

Since yesterday we have send Kaitlyn to day care centre, she seems like enjoyed it. The reason we send her there is because we want her to be independent and not so rely on others. Today morning, we drop her off to the day care centre and went off to work, but I took half day off in the afternoon to make sure she's doing fine in school for the first day.I made my way to her class and found her sitting in the second row, same as the place she sat during the orientation but this time, not so quiet as before, start making new friends with others.

After her break, I'm thinking going home but at last I stayed till school finished. She's quite blur and do not know where to wait for the van, luckily I was there, else she sure get lost.