Saturday, October 15, 2011

British Council

British Council at Weld Quay, Kaitlyn attended 3 terms in this old building.

Now it have moved to Wisma Great Eastern. They have the opening ceremony on 8 Oct and our chief minister, Lim Guan Eng was invited to give speech.

The girl shake hand with Lim Guan Eng is Teacher Catriona, Kaitlyn's class (Jumping in) teacher.

Our CM, sit beside Kaitlyn to look at her read the story book...see so closed to him.

Monday, October 10, 2011

长大后, 该做什么!

Kaitlyn 问我她长大后,不懂该做什么职业好。。。不知是不是该做Agilent或是老师。。。或是护士,或是医生??? 真好笑,我的两个女儿都以为做Agilent真好!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Teacher K. Geeta

Last friday 7 Oct is teacher Geeta last day with Little Kingdom, the day before, Mei Mei told me that she cried because teacher Geeta will be leaving soon, so touching when I heard that. This teacher love Mei Mei so much, whenever I meet her, she sure compliment on Mei Mei, said she's very helpful and behave. On her last day, when I fetched them home, she even come to me and ask for my number, she said she want to call Kait Yee when she missed her.
Here's another birthday celebration in school for all october born children and teachers.

Actually the day before, her eyes was sweling due to allergy to brufen, yet she insists to go to school due to she want to join the party. From this picture, still can see the swelling but compared to the night before, it is already 70% recovered.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Small party

We just celebrated kaitlyn's birthday, she turned 6 yesterday!  I can't believe next year she'll going to primary!
I really enjoy celebrating my girl's birthday. kaitlyn is very lucky because her birthday fall on china golden week which mama no need to go to work and have time to bring cake and pack small party treats for her to share with her friends.
Starting her special day with her classmates, teacher Ooi and her mei mei by singing the birthday song, giving away party packs and distribute cakes to all her friend and teachers.

And ending her day with another birthday cake in ah mah house:)

Monday, October 3, 2011



Saturday, October 1, 2011

