Monday, September 26, 2011

What we did for the last weekend...
On Saturday, I enrolled Kaitlyn to badminton course, the sport centre is at 洪氏宗祠 which just near to our house. I want her to spent her spare times by doing some excercise and get sweat!

And Sunday 4 of us smurfed to GSC at Sunway Carnival for the show, this is Mei Mei first movie, but unfortunately she fell asleep after her pop corn finished :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Monday, September 5, 2011


听说有五种蔬果(甜菜根,芹菜,红萝卜,黄瓜 和青苹果)吃了能帮助排毒。所以就开始搅蔬果汁给一家大小喝。一开始的时候他们是有一点抗拒它的味道,但现在好多了,该是喝惯了吧!每个周末,人人一杯,清清体内的垃圾。

Meh Meh Sheep

Are they cute? Very simple craft. We give it away to Papa as his birthday present.
Mei Mei helping me paste cotton ball onto the paper ball.

Friday, September 2, 2011
