Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Kate Middleton become princess today after she married to prince William, and here's the photo of her maid of honor also her sister Pippa holding her wedding gown walking down the red carpet...and here's my girl mimicking them :) Real funny!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

No more chut chut

为了让妹妹戒掉吃奶嘴的习惯,之前问了一些朋友有什么办法,有些说放辣椒啦,把奶嘴剪半啦,叫他自己把Chut chut扔掉。。。 拿了这些资料,我却还不忍心做。心想,再让她吃多几天吧!反正她还小。有一晚,我不在,妹妹向爸爸要奶嘴,爸爸找不到,就没给她,她也累得睡着了,隔天,老公就说反正昨晚没有chut chut她也可以睡阿,那我们就坚持不给她,真的耶!帮她戒掉实在没那么难, 。。只要“坚持”那就行了,虽然之间她会吵吵闹闹,但一周之后,真的可以跟chut chut说bye bye了, 烦了好久的问题终于解决了。

Monday, April 25, 2011

极乐寺 ~~ 放生池

上两个星期,带了三个小瓜去极乐寺, 最好玩的因该是去放生池喂乌龟了!买了一把kangkung 让她们喂, 丢完后吵着不够,是那些乌龟太贪吃呢还是这些小女孩们玩得太起劲了呢,一把kangkung不够,买了第二把,没两下,又完了。。。再买。。,最后只有在威胁的情况下离开,要不那些乌龟肯定饱死!!


The idea of building this house is all from Kaitlyn‘s book 只要我长大! There is a topic of 心情小屋,when you sad or happy, you can hide into the house and share your feeling or secret with someone! So I think this may be an good idea, I can build one for both girls. But after the project completed, Kaitlyn suggest to make it as a shop so that she can plays restaurant or shopping with her Mei Mei. At the end we name it 开心小屋!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 Family

Our country have 1 Malaysia slogan, so as my house. 1 Family!! Kaitlyn give this slogan to our house.

She enjoyed the moment we spend as 1 family. Likes 4 of us can sleep together in a bed, read book together, eat together, plays together... just some simple activities but good enough to cheer up her day :)