Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"Chi Kok Beh"

Eng Yeow shu shu from Johore come to stayed at our house and this is the shot that Mama snap while shu shu and papa carried both of them up high on their shoulder.

Monday, December 27, 2010

First day to school

Today is Mei Mei first day to school. Both of the girls are so excited to go to school together. On the way, Jie Jie remind Mei Mei that if she want to go to toilet, she have to say:" teacher, may I go to toilet please..." and also remind her on some other things that she need to do at school. When reached school, I dropped them off just like I dropped Jie Jie, I didn't park my car and bring them in as I want Mei Mei to get used to the way we are. Jie Jie send her to her class but after Jie Jie left, she cry and want her Jie Jie to accompany her. At the end, Jie Jie skip her class and accompany her the whole morning till papa go and pick up both of them.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Today is christmas eve, we have a christmas party at home. Both the girls had a lot of fun meeting with their cousin and friends and a good time for the adults to catch up with each others.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010









Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hair Man Plant

1. Bought 2 box of Hair Man Plant,thinking of let the girl experience the fun of planting.
2. It need to deep inside the water for an hour.
3. After 6th days, the hair start growing, but not much.
4. Today is the 9th days, you can see the hair grow more and more for the man who close his arm. But the other man only have little :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Strawberry picking

We keep our promise to the girls that we will bring them to Cameron Highland for strawberry picking... and yes, we did it last weekend.

Papa and Kaitlyn picked 2 trays of strawberries which is about 1 kg.. Jie Jie know how to choose the red,big and ripe one, keeps pointing to papa which one to picked. For my Mei Mei, as she likes green, so she want us to pick the green one instead.

Kaitlyn wants to share those strawberry with her teachers, Ah Kong, Popo.. Cho Cho.. oh... so many people, so mama suggest to go for another round of picking but Papa said is too late so mama have to get another big box from the market.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kool Fever

Both of me and hubby are so silly and careless for such a long year.. we use the kool fever incorrectly. We never remove the transparent film when apply to our girls, no wonder it can't fix firmly on their forehead, until today Kait Yee have a fever and we put a sheet for her but again it keeps dropping, so we ask her to hold it herself, can you imagine a sick girl holding the sheet.. looks very pity, I just wondering why it can't stick on her forehead like others. Normally if my girl sick, I don't use Kool Fever, I use wet hanky and wipe off the body heat instead because I think Cool Fever is not user friendly. Until just now Ah Mah see how come it is not sticky,and take a look on the sheet, only she realised that the transparent sheet was not removed and told as it need to removed else how can it fix. What a good laugh we had this evening. Shame on me!!

This picture is like Mei Mei telling us, Mama.. see this is the correct way to stick the Cool Fever... no drop!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My darling dress

These dress was perfect for my 2 little girls because they like to dress like a girly girl, especially Kaitlyn. I can't wait to bring them home from the shop today. As compare to the price from website, it is cheaper. Somemore I can let them try it on. The bottom is like a dance tutu and so cute to see them twirled and twirled to make the ruffles fly.