Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Girl do things by herself

Kait Yee recently want to do things by herself, she don't want help from anyone.
For example, put on the shoes by her own. Even though is not easy but she try and try until she did it.

Every morning waking up telling me "brush teeth teeth, brush teeth teeth". Want to do it by herself too. wow.. so clean girl hor.. no la of course, try to take the opportunity to eat the sweet sweet tooth paste. Luckily we bought her the enzymes one which is safe to swallow. This is the photo papa helping her to clean up her teeth after eating the chewable spirulina, don't know is beacuse the new tooth brush is hard or papa hurt her gum while brushing , she complain that "痛,痛".

Eat by herself but end up with this messy miao miao face..

Is these saying that she's big girl now?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh Oh I No No

I want to write this down before I forgot, this is about Mei Mei, a few days ago, I ask papa to keep an eye on her while I was taking my bath. Papa let her sit on the highchair herself by giving her some biscuit, without food, she won't sit long. Suddenly papa heard she was saying Oh Oh I no no.. papa thought he heard it by mistake and ask her again... yes she say oh oh I don't know because she mess up the floor by dropping the biscuits...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2010 Tiger Year

Here are some photos taken during chinese new year. Both girls was so happy to enjoy this 大日子. Jie Jie learned "大日子" song from school and sing it everyday with the CD, Mei Mei also know a little la as always heard Jie Jie sing.
Their normal schedule is totally out this week, skip their afternoon nap and sleep late, played firecrackers (pop pop) with neighbour and cousin.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We bought a pencil case for Kaitlyn last last weekend and a pair of slipper last weekend. You know what so coincidence.. both of them RM16.90. We don't realised it until told by Kaitlyn.

Papa told her that she need to use that pencil case for many years till go to primary school and high school, to worth back the money. This make me recall of Fong Lay story, she told us that her mama bought a pair of scissor for her when she was in kindergarden, and now she still using it with very good condition, she keep it more than 25 years .. can you believe that?? I will be very happy if Kaitlyn also appreciate her things this way.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spelling test

Not easy to become students nowsadays, this comments is true. Kindy one already have hectic homework and have test 3 times per week which is a routine spelling test. Monday will be B.Malaysia, Wednesday is English and Friday is Chinese.
Kaitlyn has gone through 11 test, so far all correct, but today she got her spelling on pencil wrong.. I'm kind of dissapointed la, she wrote it as pancil. Actually she know it when I revised it with her yesterday. Don't know why she'll spell it wrong. You know what, her kiasu papa and mama always spend the night help her revise her homework and of course set high expectation on her..